The building structures: Main building

We do not really know when the main building on Eid (local/oral/original name) or Eide (Danish spelling) was erected. However, we do have some clues.

The purchase contract of January 16, 1759 describes in detail the demarcation lines and all values included as Mette Christine Høyer, the widow of Austrått's owner Søren Dass, sells the farms Eide and Furunes (which both up to that point were part of the Austrått estate), with the salmon fishing rights and the island Brattingen, to "the royal bailiff over Fosen bailiwick, Johan Rüberg" for 600 riksdaler.

Old map over Stjørnfjorden, Eidsvatnet (the Eide lake) is clearly visible in the middle of the map, Eide bay is drawn just North of the N in SKIØREN.

The puchase contract states that the Furunes farm has been deserted for a long time, unlike Eide (which always had inhabitants) and it says that "...and no houses on either of these farms". This part is actually a bit ambigous, but the contract is otherwise very detailed regarding the values and assets of the farm, so one would think the buildings would at least be mentioned, had they been worth mentioning.

The magistrate Peder Sivertsen Barup also lived on Eid(e) for twenty years; he rented the farm from the Austrått estate from 1723 to 1743. It is reasonable to think that even the magistrate had to live stately. However, 16 years later the contract of purchase transferring the Eide/Furunes estate from Mette Høyer (Austrått's owner) to the magistrate's successor as the inhabitant of the farm, bailiff Johan Rüberg, there is no mention of the buildings.

Therefore one might reason that bailiff Rüberg, who is now the owner of the Eide estate (unlike magistrate Barup, who never owned the farm), decides to erect some stately buildings on the farm. At some point he sells his farm to a second magistrate, Ove Schjelderup von Hadeln, magistrate of Fosen from 1764 to 1800. Rüberg dies in 1773. Some time between 1764 and 1773 the farm is trasferred to magistrate von Hadeln, and it is not too farfetched to assume that he finishes the building project. And very likely: with a vengeance.

I am allowing a small leap of faith here, but to me it seems likely that von Hadeln was tempted to reach into the cookie jar, i.e. the tax money he collected, to finish his grand estate. Von Hadeln was suspended from his office in 1792 because of several remarks about the way he ran his office, and he was declared bankrupt before he died in 1800. In 1801 the farm is foreclosed (and bought by the forefather of the current owners).

The picture shows the family Von Hadeln's coat of arms.

We can also reasonably assume that the main building was finished by 1776. One rather artistic metal weathervane still exists at the farm with von hadeln's initials (OSvH, Ove Schjelderup von Hadeln) and the year 1776. We take this to signify the finished status of the main building.

This weathervane still tells its story from the roof top of Nordstua.

We have had this sign mounted on the western wall of Nordstua displaying the same year as the weathervane. The weathervane is small and not very visble, the sign however is very much so.

In 1821 the farm was split into two parts (cf. the post about Johan Arnt), and one half of the buildings were allotted to each of the farms. Some of the structures were thus moved from East farm to West farm (specifically from Nergården to Øvergården).

There is a whole lot we do not know about how the buildings used to look and how big they used to be.

But there are also a couple of things we do know. Everything built for human accomodation in this period is classified as a "trønderlån". This is an effect of the capacity of the Norwegian saw mills, they could only accomodate logs 6 meters long. later saw mills can accomodate 7 meter long logs, and the houses accordingly get one meter wider.

The main building on Eid was still rather special. We have pictures from 1901 and later showing that the main building at this time boasts two wings: It was build in an L-shape.

The picture is taken from East, and the road clearly goes through the yard. The main building is clearly L-shaped.

This picture displays how the road cuts through the yard, South of the L-shaped main building. The road was moved north of the main building in 1920, equipped with a new bridge. Gabriel builds himself a small house in 1924 north of this new road, thus the road still runs between some of the buildings on the farm. Gabriel's small house and the black smithy are at this point both north of the new road (cf. the painting below).

Painting by local artist Paul Grav, motif approx. 1930
This picture is taken from northwest, from Midtigården, possibly shortly before the renovation and remodelling of the building in 1947. We see the L-shaped main building to the right. To the left you can see the little house that Gabriel had built in 1924, which Borghild lived in, and that Kristin and Hans and their two little sons lived in from 1984 to 1986, when they built a new house at the location of the old smithy. Their third son, Einar, born in 1988, was born after they moved into their new house (they moved into this house just before Christmas in 1986).

Entry from "Norwegian estate" revealing a great deal of important facts about the buildings and rebuildings of the farm, e.g. the renovation in 1948 and many other pivotal pieces of information.

We also find interesting figures over the amount of people and animals living on the farm.

The picture is taken from a rather unusual angle, from down by the river delta. Compare to the painting by Paul Grav above, displaying the farm from a similar angle.

As mentioned above, in 1947-1948 the main building undergoes a thorough transformation, and several of the buildings are altered and moved. The north wing of the main building is partly moved (Nordstua), one section is demolished, and the remainder of the building is extended and made longer and wider. The roof is also lifted so the ridge is still in center on the roof top, However, the chimneys are no longer centered at this ridge, instead they remain a bit to the south of the ridge. Nordstua (yellow building on the painting below) now becomes a separete annex which is rented out to various families as accomodation for the next couple of decades.

Panting by Allan Grav ca. 1957.

The storehouse is also moved, from the river's edge to a different location in the yard. This storehouse is later demolished (ca. 1979-1980) to give way to a new tractor stall.

The little entrance on the south wall shown on the two pictures to the left from 1978 is torn down and replaced by a slightly bigger structure in 2001, this is used as the main entrance at that point.

The south wall of the main building after the replacement of the small entrance structure with one which was a bit bigger. This extension today houses a modern utility room (laundry), but also a shower room and wardrobes for work clothes (no odeurs escape the modern techology where fans extract the air from the cabinets).

As we started renovating the main building we wanted to replace the guest entrance at the north wall. This entrance has been used altogether about one dozen times for the last fourty years, each time for very distinguished guests.

To us this did not legitimize the immense waste of space for useless hallways resulting from this arrangement. We wanted to utilize the building structure much more efficiently. Accordingly, we submitted an application to the relevant auhtorities to demolish this small entrance and to erect a new structure for the main entrance, two stories high and also including a basement.

As mentioned above, the main buiding (like several other buildings on the farm) is registered as an entity of cultural heritage since 1978 (cf. the pictures above) and accordingly the county governor's office of cultural heritage perservation has a say in matters like ours. The official representative came for a thorough inspection (he even scrutinized the beams in the attic), and then made his official recommendation: You should construct two smaller entrance structures on the south wall, mimicking the features from 1901, and also move Nordstua back to the vicinity of the north wall, partially recreating the old L-shape of the old main building.

We considered this to be an impossible solution; this arrangement would imply an outline almost as impractical as the current one. The main entrance (or the TWO entrances!) would face the yard rather than the public road (introvert rather than extrovert!). Also, the authority for public roads had extended us the dispensation from ordinary regulations and allowed us to build the extension we wanted, but there was no way they would allow the placement of a cultural heritage building (the core of Nordstua possibly stems from the 17th century) this close to a public road. And worse: We would not want them to.

Another round of appealing, applying, providing new information and new arguments. The local authorities' views on these matters were more or less identical to our own. The result of this expensive renovation should be a modern building suited to house a modern family, not a museal structure solely suited for exhibitions and guided tours. At least not as its only function.

This is the north wall with the new extension. Planking and some windows are still missing on this picture. New pictures will come eventually, and the post might be updated.

Velkommen til oss!

Photo: Malene

Vi bor på en gård med en lang historie og djupe røtter på kanten av Stjørnfjorden. Stjørnfjorden skjærer seg inn i Fosenhalvøya (nord for Trondheim), fra Agdenes ytterst til Råkvågen innerst. Her vi bor har vi utsikt over skipsleia til Trondheim, og på grunn av fjordens beskaffenhet, må alt av båter og skip som skal til og fra trønderhovedstaden seile forbi her.

I det siste har hverdagen vår vært sterkt prega av at bygningene på gården, og ikke minst trønderlåna, har et stort behov for opppussing. Det er sterkt press på byggebransjen her ute for tida, og derfor må vi gjøre mye sjøl. Da er det heldig at det er mye flinke folk her på bruket, som til sammen utfyller hverandres evner og kompetanse. Og så er det fint å få til noe verdifullt i lag.

Det er usikre tider for jordbruket, og her i bygda har 35 blomstrende melkebruk blitt redusert til 3-4, bare i løpet av de siste tre tiårene. Men her er det unge folk som vil ta over, og det skal være drift så lenge vi kan, med kyr på beite, hester i innhegningen og kalver i kveet. For, som odelsgutten sier: «Æ vil itj bo på en spøkelsesgård».

Det første blogginnlegget

Veien blir til mens vi går. Dette er Strandveien.

En dag bestemte vi oss, Malene og jeg, for at vi skulle prøve å starte en blogg. Nå er det vel egentlig litt ute med blogger og mer inne med insta og snap — men det finnes en instagramkonto også, som Malene fyller med vakre bilder av gården, renoveringen, og dagliglivet.

Det er veldig mange som føler tilknytning til denne gården. Slik blir det, når det er en eiendom med lang historie, der samme slekt har sittet i flere hundre år. Det har vært store familier, mange barn, og mange har hatt gode opplevelser fra barndom, ungdom og voksenliv.

Hvorfor skulle vi starte en blogg?

  • For å la folk få et lite innblikk i renovering og restaurering
  • For å gi noen glimt av gårdsdrift i dag der nesten alle jobber utenom gården
  • For å gi oss selv påskudd til å bli bedre kjent med denne tradisjonsrike gårdens historie– og kanskje det kan være verdt å lese for flere også?

Hvorfor skulle du ha lyst til å lese denne bloggen?

Egentlig lager vi denne bloggen mest for oss selv, og for slekta. Så kan dere følge med litt på hva vi driver på med. Men dessuten:

  • Det er altfor få blogger om renovering av trønderlåner!
  • Det er altfor mange i dag som har lite og ingen direkte kunnskap om moderne gårdsdrift!
  • Altfor mange gårder legges ned i raskt tempo, så les om oss som fremdeles er her!
  • Vi syns selv det hadde vært artig å lese om slikt som vi skriver om her.

Vi kan jo ikke blogge, så her må veien nødvendigvis bli til mens vi går. Vi håper denne bloggen kan brukes til inspirasjon, praktisk nytte, til ettertanke, og til fellesskap. Vi håper også at du vil være sammen med oss, lenge.

På den annen side KAN jo denne bloggen bli en svært så kortlivet greie. I så fall, desto større grunn til å lese den mens den fremdeles eksisterer!

Skrevet av Kristin
