The core of the house, an old log building, is the original structure that was finished in 1776. In fact it is quite likely that this core is even older, from the 17th century. No wonder then, that there are very few straight angles in this house.

The carpenter attaches battens to the logs, so we can put the weatherboaring up on a wall with slightly straighter angles. There is quite the difference between the. depth of the batten on the top of the wall as compared to further down. This implies that the amount of insulation will also iffer, because you can only use as much insulation as there is room for. If you just stuff the available space with insulation, the platerboards will be bent. And that would not be good.
The insulation has been used before, and we got it for free from a guy who needed help tearing it down. Tihs is recycling on a high level. Speaking of high level: Looking down, this would be a very high falll. Better not look down, then.

Even if there will be less insulation material in the wall on the second floor than the first floor, I would think that the inhabitants will experience a better temperature inside the house. The old insulation was not all that... It is easy to see that the cracks were stuffed with old rags, often in bright colours.

At last one entire section of the northern wall is clad in red plasterboards. These boards reduce the noise from the traffic, which will be very noticable for the two living in the house. The cold wind from the north will also have less impact on the tempreature inside from now on.

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